Can Your Create NSFW Content with Midjourney? Here’s the Truth:

Lynn Mikami
8 min readOct 3, 2023


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Can Midjourney Create NSFW Content? Understanding Midjourney’s Content Filter

Midjourney has emerged as a groundbreaking text-to-image AI platform, revolutionizing the way we interact with digital content. However, like any platform that deals with user-generated content, it faces a myriad of challenges, one of which is the handling of Not Safe For Work (NSFW) material.

This article aims to dissect the complexities surrounding NSFW content on Midjourney. From the effectiveness of its current filters to the ethical and legal implications, we’ll delve into every facet of this hotly debated topic. If you’ve ever wondered about the intricacies of NSFW content on Midjourney, you’re in the right place.

What is NSFW Content in Midjourney?

What is NSFW Content?

NSFW, or Not Safe For Work, is a term commonly used to describe content that is inappropriate for professional settings. This could range from explicit material to anything that’s generally considered offensive or distracting. In the context of Midjourney, NSFW content refers to any text or image that the platform’s algorithms flag as inappropriate or explicit.

  • Types of NSFW Content: This can include explicit images, violent content, or anything that could be considered sensitive.
  • NSFW Filters: These are algorithms or sets of rules designed to prevent such content from being displayed.

The concept of NSFW is not new, but its application in AI platforms like Midjourney brings a fresh set of challenges. Traditional filters that rely on keyword matching or image recognition are not always effective in the dynamic world of AI-generated content. This leads us to the next point: the effectiveness of Midjourney’s current NSFW filter.

The Role of NSFW Filters in Midjourney

Midjourney employs a robust NSFW filter aimed at preventing the generation of inappropriate or explicit content. The filter is designed to scan both text inputs and image outputs to ensure they meet community and ethical standards. However, like any automated system, it’s not without its flaws.

  • False Positives: One of the most common criticisms is that the filter sometimes flags harmless content as NSFW. For instance, an image of a beach setting might be flagged if the algorithm misinterprets it as containing nudity.
  • User Frustration: These false positives can lead to user frustration, as they limit the creative freedom of individuals using the platform for legitimate purposes.

The NSFW filter in Midjourney operates on a complex algorithm that takes into account various factors such as text semantics, image recognition, and user behavior. However, the algorithm is not perfect and is continuously updated to adapt to new types of content and user feedback.

Does Midjourney’s NSFW Filter Always Work?

While the NSFW filter serves a crucial role in maintaining the platform’s integrity, it’s not without limitations. The primary challenges lie in the algorithm’s ability to accurately distinguish between what is genuinely NSFW and what isn’t.

  • Algorithm Complexity: The more complex the algorithm, the higher the computational cost. This is a significant consideration for a platform that generates content in real-time.
  • Ethical Dilemmas: The algorithm must also consider ethical factors. For example, what one person considers art, another might see as explicit content.

Given these challenges, it’s clear that Midjourney’s NSFW filter is a subject of ongoing development and debate. The platform has to strike a delicate balance between user experience, ethical considerations, and computational feasibility.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. As we delve deeper into this topic, we’ll explore how users are finding ways to navigate these restrictions, the ethical and legal implications of NSFW content on Midjourney, and much more. Stay tuned.

Examples of Midjourney’s NSFW Filters

Midjourney NSFW Content Filter

Navigating Midjourney’s NSFW Restrictions

Users of Midjourney have developed their own set of strategies to navigate the platform’s NSFW restrictions. One popular method is the use of the /set prefer option command. This command allows users to customize their experience by setting preferences that can influence the algorithm's output.

  • Customization: The /set prefer option command opens up a range of customization possibilities. Users can specify the kind of content they want to avoid, thereby fine-tuning the NSFW filter to their liking.
  • Flexibility: This command provides a level of flexibility that is often missing in more rigid filtering systems. It allows users to adapt the platform to their specific needs without compromising the overall user experience.

However, this flexibility also comes with its own set of challenges. For instance, the command can be misused to bypass the NSFW filter intentionally, leading to the generation of inappropriate content. This raises questions about the ethical responsibility of the platform and its users.

Alternative Keywords to Bypass Midjourney’s NSFW Filter

Another strategy employed by users is the use of alternative keywords or phrases that are less likely to trigger the NSFW filter. By understanding the nuances of the algorithm, savvy users have found ways to generate content that skirts the boundaries of what is considered NSFW.

  • Semantic Tricks: Users often employ semantic tricks to fool the algorithm. For example, instead of using explicit terms, they might use euphemisms or coded language.
  • Contextual Understanding: Some users take advantage of the algorithm’s lack of contextual understanding. For example, a phrase that is generally considered safe might be used in a context that makes it NSFW. The algorithm, not being sophisticated enough to understand context fully, might let it pass.
  • Algorithmic Loopholes: Users who have a deep understanding of how the algorithm works can exploit its weaknesses. They might use combinations of words or images that the algorithm doesn’t recognize as NSFW but are borderline cases.

While these workarounds offer users more freedom, they also pose a significant challenge for Midjourney. The platform must continually evolve its algorithms to close these loopholes without making the filter overly restrictive, which could hamper user experience and creative freedom.

Why Midjourney Needs a NSFW Content Filter?

Ethical Concerns in Midjourney NSFW Policies

The debate surrounding NSFW content on Midjourney isn’t just about algorithms and user experience; it also touches on deeper ethical issues. One of the most pressing concerns is the potential for the platform to be used for generating harmful or exploitative content.

  • Revenge Porn and Exploitation: There’s a risk that the platform could be used to create explicit images without the consent of the individuals depicted, leading to ethical and legal complications.
  • Sensitive Material: The platform could also be used to generate content that is culturally or politically sensitive, potentially causing harm or offense.

These ethical concerns make the NSFW debate much more complex than it might initially appear. It’s not just a question of technical feasibility but also of moral responsibility.

Legal Risks in Midjourney’s NSFW Content

Beyond the ethical considerations, there are also legal risks to consider. Laws regarding explicit content vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and what might be considered acceptable in one country could be illegal in another.

  • Legal Liability: If Midjourney allows NSFW content, it could potentially be held liable for hosting or distributing illegal material.
  • Regulatory Compliance: The platform must also consider various regulations that govern digital content, such as the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in the United States or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union.

Given these ethical and legal complexities, it’s clear that the issue of NSFW content on Midjourney is far from straightforward. It involves a delicate balancing act between technological innovation, user experience, and societal norms and laws.

This is just a portion of the multifaceted discussion surrounding NSFW content on Midjourney. As we proceed, we’ll delve into community opinions, business implications, and future directions for the platform’s NSFW policies. Stay tuned for an in-depth exploration of these critical aspects.

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A Balanced Approach to NSFW Content on Midjourney

The question of whether to allow NSFW content on Midjourney isn’t black and white. On one hand, maintaining a safe and inclusive environment should be a priority. This ensures that the platform remains accessible to users of all ages and backgrounds, adhering to a high ethical standard.

  • Safety First: Prioritizing user safety by restricting NSFW content can help Midjourney maintain its reputation as a reliable and ethical platform.

On the other hand, completely banning all forms of NSFW content could stifle creativity and innovation. As digital platforms evolve, there’s a natural tendency for them to adapt to the diverse needs of their user base.

  • Adapt or Perish: If Midjourney doesn’t adapt to the changing landscape by allowing some level of NSFW content, it risks becoming obsolete as users migrate to more flexible platforms.

Finding the Middle Ground in Midjourney’s NSFW Policies

A possible compromise could be to allow certain types of “soft” NSFW content, such as vintage pinup styles. This would satisfy those who are looking for more freedom in content creation without crossing into the realm of explicit or potentially harmful material.

  • Controlled Freedom: By allowing a limited range of NSFW content, Midjourney could offer users the creative freedom they desire while still maintaining a safe environment.

Another avenue worth exploring is community moderation. Allowing users to vote on what types of content should be considered NSFW could democratize the decision-making process, making the platform more responsive to its user base.

  • Community Input: A user-driven approach to content moderation could make the platform’s NSFW policies more dynamic and adaptable.

By considering these nuanced perspectives, it becomes clear that the issue of NSFW content on Midjourney is a complex one, requiring a balanced approach that takes into account both ethical considerations and user demands.

Midjourney NSFW Content Filter


The issue of NSFW content on Midjourney is a complex interplay of technological, ethical, and business considerations. While the platform’s current NSFW filter serves a necessary purpose, it’s clear that there’s room for improvement and possibly even a paradigm shift. Whether you’re a casual user or deeply involved in the platform’s community, the future of NSFW content on Midjourney is a topic that will likely affect your experience in one way or another.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can Midjourney produce NSFW content?

As of the latest updates, Midjourney employs a robust NSFW filter to prevent the generation of explicit or inappropriate content. While the algorithm isn’t perfect and is subject to false positives, the platform’s primary aim is to maintain a safe and ethical environment for all users.

Is there an AI that allows NSFW?

There are specialized AI platforms designed to handle NSFW content, but these are generally not accessible to the general public and are used for specific industrial applications. It’s essential to note that the use of AI for generating NSFW content is subject to ethical and legal considerations.

Is Midjourney censored?

The term “censored” might be too strong, but Midjourney does employ content filters to ensure that the generated content adheres to community guidelines and ethical standards. These filters are in place to prevent the creation of explicit, violent, or otherwise inappropriate content. However, the platform is continually evolving, and its content policies are subject to change.

